Red Diamond Newsletter Summer 2022

This issue of Red Diamond covers a variety of topics, including some initial thoughts on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While this operations unfurls, we are keeping watch daily to collect observations in conjunction with the entire Army, Joint, and Intelligence Community so that over time we develop lessons learned to inform modernization and increase readiness.

While our (and the world’s) attention is tuned into this ongoing conflict, we are continually developing products and services to meet the needs for our customers. One relatively recent development is our China Landing Zone (, accessible with one click from the TRADOC G-2 homepage ( The China Landing Zone supports the DoD-wide shift to the Pacific with links to ATP 7-100.3 Chinese Tactics, and a plethora of related products to enhance your learning on the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).Some of what you’ll discover on the Landing Zone includes the audiobook version of the ATP, podcast interviews with the author, real use cases of how others have incorporated this information into training, and the How They Fight interactive training for China that will teach you all the basics about PLA force structure, equipment, and tactics.

This issue of Red Diamond also presents you with information about Russian capabilities in the Arctic, Belarusian use of information operations against its own citizens, Chinese nuclear capabilities, and two articles that guide you through applying information from the China ATP into your training using DATE World. We hope you find that these articles enhance your knowledge of conditions in the operational environment (OE), and spark ideas for adding real-world conditions into training at every echelon. As always, TRADOC G-2 is here to help, so please reach out for assistance or to participate in our communities of interest.
