I am a civilian and in 1986 I invented artificial innovation. I struggled immensely to find and entry point as the Artificial Intelligence had set an exclusive 'left brain' course and my research was left and right brain combined.
AIN consolidates all creative methodologies into one, explains the interaction of individual and global brain, and elucidates science, scientific method, and technology as a whole. It is the key to exponential knowledge advance, which IS the Singularity. AI is getting stuck because the field as a whole is restricted to left brain approsches.
I'm frankly not even sure if I'm in the right place for this question, but Humana engaged an Air Force agile consultant and he referred us to Red Teams and from there I found this site. I thought it might be worth another try to introduce AIN to DoD, but I don't know where to begin as I don't understand military organizations and protocol.
Can anyone recommend a starting point?
My email is bruceladuke@gmail.com