Friends and colleagues:

Good morning to all, AFRICA ENDEAVOR 2013 has began.  The AE 13 advance party is leaving Stuttgart today for Lusaka, Zambia.  They will begin the work which goes on behind the scenes that assure the success of the exercise.  The rest of the AE 13 team will travel to Lusaka later on during the week.

Much of the preparatory work has been completed, the training schedule is set, the instructors prepared, the Warning Orders and the Operations Orders are completed, the C4 handbook is done, The Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) is finalized and each event has had all of its permutations elaborated.

I cannot stress the importance of all of you insisting that all of your colleagues have an APAN account for use during the course of the exercise.  We are planning in causing events to be inserted  during the course of the exercise which ill require a response from the exercise audience.

I look forward to seeing you all in Lusaka.

Best Regards,

Patrick Ganne