Friends and Colleagues:

I wish to introduce the Africa Endeavor community to the role the Assessment Group is going to play during the course of Africa Endeavor 2013.  The Assessment Group has heretofore established Measures of Effectiveness, which is a measurement scheme through which it is determined how well we are accomplishing the tasks that are before us.  The Measures of Effectiveness are themselves based on Measures of Performance, a measurement scheme through which it is determined whether or not we are doing the things that would allow us to determine our effectiveness.

The matters that will be assessed, among others, include the planning of the exercise, the training offered at the exercise, the execution of the exercise and an evaluation of the self-assessment of the exercise by the participants themselves.

The object of the Assessment Group is to identify the areas to be improved and focus on them and as well recognize the areas where we have strong accomplishments so that we may reduce the emphasis given to them. 

Best Regards,


Patrick Ganne