Friends and Colleagues:
Now that we have AE 13 behind us, I would like, if at all possible, to engage in a conversation about your thoughts concerning AE 13.
I would like to start the conversation about a topic that was repeatedly mentioned by both the Senior Steering Committee (DVs) and the Executive Management Board (Delegation Chiefs), that topic being the threats of Cyber Warfare. During the course of the exercise, warning were given in both the preparatory orders and the operational orders about the Cyber skill levels of the adversaries and that specific Cyber Warfare actions would be taken.
The spearfishing attempts directed at each of the Regional brigades were successful, each of the brigades voluntarily followed a link which simulated a virus infection. Each of the brigades successfully followed and performed the established procedures for isolating and erasing the virus but that is the second line of Cyber Warfare defense, the first line is always to be vigilant against trojan horses and other malwares. Granted that a certain level of sophistication was applied in luring each of the brigades to log on to the trojan horse. Specifically the brigades were lured into believing that the emails that they were receiving from "Commander, Africa Endeavor" were genuine when in fact no such entity existed or was mentioned during any of briefs relating to "Operation Carana".
I would be delighted in hearing your comments.
Best Regards,
Patrick Ganne