Metatags & tagging documents

Did you know that when you go into the file & media galleries you can edit the "tags" associated with each file or picture? These metatags simply a way to add more description to a file beyond a filename. Try browsing around in the galleries. When you see documents you recognize that aren't tagged, try adding the tags you think will make it more "discoverable" to other users in the APCN community. Chances are we all think about certain documents or pictures in at least a similar manner so we will use the same similar terms when searching for something. Taking the time as a community to tag the documents increases their overall value rather than just letting them sit locked away in some file gallery.

Let me know if you have questions about how this works! This is especially important when uploading documents from each planning conference. By tagging each file with a day, location, subject (try thinking about each file in terms of the 5W + 1H concept -

  • Who? Who was involved?
  • What? What happened (what's the story)?
  • Where? Where did it take place?
  • When? When did it take place?
  • Why? Why did it happen?
  • How? How did it happen?

You'll find over time that documents with better metatagging will be read more, commented on more and generally far more useful than a document someone has to download just to learn a little about.