• 22 Mar 2013

    Scenarios for environment and security issues

    While general trends may be identifiable, impacts may vary hugely between regions and from year to year. Identifying the security implications of climate change therefore requires a case-by-case approach at the regional level. For these reasons, the OSCE and its joint implementation partner, the European Environment Agency (EEA), have adopted a participatory scenario-building approach to project implementation, with the...
    • 22 Mar 2013

    The Greening Diplomacy Initiative Leading by Example

    March 20, 2013 “As we deepen our commitment to the promotion of clean, renewable energy, energy efficiency and resource conservation, our embassies abroad and facilities at home become platforms for eco-diplomacy – models of sustainability that reflect and project America’s commitment to responsible environmental stewardship, reduce operating costs, and conserve our resources.” Secretary...
    • 4 Dec 2012

    Bringing The Consumption of Resources on Installations to Zero (Questions & Answers)

    Ms. Kristine Kingery is the U.S. Army's expert implementing Net Zero to manage Energy, Water and Waste at U.S. Army Installations. She leads the U.S. Army's Net Zero Pilot Installation Initiative that strives to bring the overall consumption of resources on installations down to an effective rate of zero. This week she will be responding to questions you might have concerning this subject. In addition, she will...
    • 22 Aug 2012

    Water Wars in the 21st Century

    The following link has an interesting article. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2011/06/2011622193147231653.html
    • 22 Aug 2012

    Event Survey

    Event Survey - English
    • 22 Aug 2012

    Encuenta del Evento

    Encuenta del Evento Espanol
    • 22 Aug 2012

    Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan

    The Restudy: Central & Southern Florida Project (C&SF) legislation that passed in 1948 was south Florida’s existing water management system. The project provided water supply, water management and other benefits. Due to adverse affects the plan is now being modified under the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). CERP provides a framework and guide to restore, protect and preserve the water...
    • 22 Aug 2012

    Tamiami Trail Restoration

    Tamiami Trail Restoration The Project: In 2005, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers devised a plan to erect an Everglades Skyway - an 11-mile bridge to replace part of the road just west of Miami. But, Congress eventually allocated enough funds to construct a one-mile bridge in 2008. After the preconstruction and design phase of the one-mile bridge plan was complete, an $81 million contract was approved in 2008 and groundbreaking...
    • 13 Apr 2012

    Brazil Forest Investment Program

    In September 2010, the Government of Brazil confirmed its interest to participate in the Forest Investment Program (FIP) as a pilot country. The FIP is a targeted program under the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF), part of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF). The main objective of the Program is to support the efforts of developing and emerging countries to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation through...
    • 10 Apr 2012

    Secretary Clinton's Participation in "Brazil-U.S.: Partnership for the 21st Century" Conference

    Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC April 9, 2012 Today Secretary of State Hillary Clinton participated in and delivered opening remarks at the “Brazil-U.S.: Partnership for the 21 st Century” conference, alongside Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota. This conference takes place during Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s visit to the United States and reflects...
    • 27 Jan 2012

    Remarks for the Environmental Cooperation Agreement Signing

    Remarks Robert D. Hormats Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Washington, DC January 23, 2012 Ambassador Han, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen—good morning. Let me begin by thanking all participants for joining us in the signing of the Environmental Cooperation Agreement between the United States and the Republic of Korea. Our two governments have a deeply...
    • 23 Jan 2012

    United States and Russian Federation to Conduct Joint Inspection in Antarctica

    Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC January 21, 2012 The United States and the Russian Federation will send a joint team to inspect foreign stations, installations and equipment in Antarctica from January 23 to January 28, 2012. The inspection will be conducted pursuant to the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 and its Environmental Protocol. The State Department and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will...
    • 17 May 2011

    Dominican Republic's capital on alert for Cholera

    Health authorities in the Dominican Republic have issued an alert in parts of the capital, Santo Domingo, amid suspected cholera cases. The health ministry has ordered increased monitoring and urged people to take extra care with hygiene. Some 16 people are in hospital with suspected cholera. The Dominican Republic has had 14 cholera deaths in recent months, while more than 4,500 have died in neighbouring Haiti...
    • 6 May 2011

    Clinton Calls on Nations to Cooperate Against Rising Food Costs

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on the world to fund agriculture and counter the destabilizing effects of food prices close to record highs. Prices for staples such as corn and rice this year surged to the highest level in more than two years. The Food and Agriculture Organization’s index of 55 commodities rose to 232.1 points in April, down from an all-time high of 237.2 in February. “We must...
    • 6 May 2011

    May 6: Food Security is 'priority' for Washington: Clinton. "...Rioting in Dozens of Countries...accompanied previous price spikes..."

    Food security is 'priority' for Washington: Clinton (AFP) – 1 hour ago ROME — US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned on Friday about rising food prices and said food security was "a foreign policy priority" for the United States in a speech to the UN's food agency. "Global food crises are once again on the rise," Clinton said in Rome, adding: "Food security...
    • 1 Mar 2011

    Food Security: Top To-Do List for G20 in 2011

    Food prices are showing clear signs for concern, they are now higher in real terms than any time since 1984. This is the second price spike in less than four years and the G20 is making food security top of its 2011 to-do list. What is the role (if any) of DOD in alleviating this? Here are some facts to consider: Temporary Factors: Drought in Russia and Argentina; Flods in Canada and Pakistan; Export bans by countries...
    • 16 Feb 2011

    Environmental Security Experiment February 17th - Participate!

    The U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) J7, Theater Engagement Directorate, Science, Technology and Experimentation Division, is conducting an Environmental Security (ES) Experiment. The objective of the experiment is to determine what role(s), if any, that US Department of Defense (DoD) could or should play in addressing ES. To achieve this, the experiment will employ the All Partners Access Network (APAN) Environmental...
    • 20 Sep 2010

    Testing the GEORSS feature

    This is a test of the geotagged items...
    • 11 Dec 2009

    The Power of Social Networks: The DARPA Experiment

    On December 5 th , 2009; MIT researchers shocked DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) by completing an envisioned several day experiment in less than 9 hours. The experiment was to locate 10 red balloons that DARPA placed throughout the United States (see link below). Through social networking techniques, researchers connected to colleagues to find the balloons. I was amazed at the speed at which this was...
    • 3 Dec 2009


    As we begin this new Environmental Security Community of Interest, I pondered what would be a fitting first blog. Then a dear friend, Dr. Adriana Cantillo, forwarded an article to me (See link below). I do not want to pass judgment on these scientists but I do want to comment on the greater picture. As we move forward, to discuss issues and potential solutions, we must be mindful that this world is full of "buzz...