
As we begin this new Environmental Security Community of Interest, I pondered what would be a fitting first blog.  Then a dear friend, Dr. Adriana Cantillo, forwarded an article to me (See link below).   I do not want to pass judgment on these scientists but I do want to comment on the greater picture.  As we move forward, to discuss issues and potential solutions, we must be mindful that this world is full of "buzz words".   Climate Change is one of those words.  Therefore, it is important that we respect all professional analysis and data on this subject even if it is contradicting to our own.  It is through the acceptance of all valid research and data that we move forward to present the best solution to a problem.  If data is contradicting, we must not throw it out; we must ask ourselves the question 'why?'  Hopefully, the forums on this site will offer that opportunity for good discussion and seeking out the opinions of our colleagues.

I look forward to hosting this community of interest and I welcome any suggestions to make this a successful exchange between my colleagues. 

Go here for the article in the New York Times
