
As of Tuesday, 20 February 2024, the inactivity period to disable APAN accounts has changed from 60 days to 35 days. Users must log in to APAN at least once every 35 days to keep their accounts active. This supersedes the 60-day timeframe provided on 29 January 2024.


Effective Monday, 29 January 2024

The All Partners Access Network (APAN) continues to make improvements to keep your data safe and remain in compliance with their Authority to Operate (ATO). As a result, APAN's Account Policy is changing the period of inactivity to disable accounts from 120 days to 60 days. 


How does this policy change affect users?

Beginning Monday, 29 January 2024, users are required to log in to APAN at least once every 60 days to maintain their accounts in an “active” status.

Accounts will be considered inactive after 61 days of non-use and will be disabled.


How do users prepare for this policy change?

To maintain active APAN accounts users are encouraged to:


Sign in to your APAN Account

  1. Go to www.apan.org
  2. Click the Sign In button (top-right side of the page)
  3. Enter your APAN username
  4. Click the Sign In To Your Account button 


Reactivate your APAN Account

OPTION 1 - Self-service

  1. Sign into your APAN account using the steps provided in the Sign in to your APAN Account section above.  You will receive a message stating your account is disabled.
  2. Click the “confirm your identity” link
  3. Answer a few questions on the login screen**
  4. Enter the code sent to your email address

**Make sure your registered and recovery emails in APAN are correct


OPTION 2 - Contact the APAN Help Desk**

  1. Sign into your APAN account using the steps provided in the Sign in to your APAN Account section above.  You will receive a message stating your account is disabled.
  2. Click the link after the “submit a ticket” text
    OR go to APAN ServiceNow, then select the Fix Something button.
  3.  Complete the Create Incident form and click the Submit button.
  4. Once your ticket is submitted, it will only be processed during APAN Help Desk operational hours (Monday-Friday, 0800-2000 ET).

**Please Note - This option will take longer than OPTION 1 - Self-service.