GHOST Lab (General Human Operations of Systems as Teams): GHOST Lab is a laboratory for experiments involving diverse sets of robots, a networked UAV lab, and human teaming. It is also an art installation. It is simultaneously a site for conducting science and a space for reflection and meditation on that science. A collaboration between Lance Gharavi’s Ars Robotica initiative, ASU’s Global Security Initiative (GSI), and the Center for Human, Artificial Intelligence, and Robot Teaming (CHART), GHOST Lab was funded by a DURIP grant from the DoD’s Office of Naval Research (ONR DURIP: N00014-20-1-2547 & AFOSR: N00014-20-1-2547) and will be home to research funded by the US Space Force. Concept Statement: This is a fraught space. A haunted space. It is haunted by countless stories, spoken and unspoken, written and erased, dimly remembered and purposely forgotten. It is haunted by histories of violence, by present contests, and by fantasies and nightmares of the future. These are stories of abjection, alienation, enslavement, and labor under capitalism. These are stories of hope of redemption and fear of annihilation. Like all stories, they are mirrors—sites for reflection. All robotics labs are haunted in this sense. We’ve just built one with the ghosts in mind. Contributors: Lance Gharavi & Brunella Provvidente, Max Bernstein, William Kirkham