Haina Wang, Princeton University | Advanced Materials

Diffusion uniformity: The work of our group focuses on detecting and quantifying material structures via a variety of metrics. Our very recent metric, called the diffusion spreadability, is a powerful probe of microstructures based on the speed of diffusive mass transport in multi-phase media, such as fertilizer pellets in soil, air in rocks, or tea bags in water. Shown here is a hypothetical two-phase media where both phases (orange and transparent) are made of little cubes arranged in a three-dimensional checkerboard manner. A glowing substrates is diffusing from the orange phase to the transparent phase. The diffusion spreadability measures how much “glow” there is in the transparent phase at a certain time and tell us about the arrangement of two phases at all length scales. Based on our recent publication Dynamic Measure of Hyperuniformity and Nonhyperuniformity in Heterogeneous Media via the Diffusion Spreadability, Haina Wang and Salvatore Torquato, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034022