Collage of Informatrix III Interactions: Informatrix III (I3) is a collaborative work of a computer scientist (Jae C. Oh, EECS Syracuse University) and a pioneer of computer art (Edward Zajec, Transmedia, Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse University). I3 is a program that mediates visual dialogues between the program and human users. The presented artwork is a collage of screenshots, each screenshot showing six visual compositions I3 made over multiple interactions between the program and human users. Most of the human users were the participants in the I3 exhibit from November 2007 to January 2008 at the International Centre of Graphics Art, Ljublijana, Slovenia. In October 2022, Jae Oh created the collage with the screenshots. The object of the interactions is the understanding of certain qualitative relationships among the figures on the canvas, of a personal sense of order, which is difficult to describe but visually apparent. The dialogue takes place by I3 displaying six sets of compositions using a Genetic Algorithm from which users choose according to their liking. The Genetic Algorithm explores the artistic style of the user in their proclivity of visual arrangements through iterated interactions. I3 also uses a novel composition analyzer based on gestalt theory and perceptual grouping. Throughout the interactions, the evolutionary process brings out a certain sense of self-reflection in the user, converging the displayed visual compositions into a particular style. Note that some screenshots show the six compositions converged to a particular style, and some show composition styles still evolving. Many artists consider painting a search process; we consider finding the user's compositional styles a search problem solved by Genetic Algorithms. The rendering in the middle (with "I3") is Professor Zajec's work, which is used for the initial screen of I3. This rendering is dedicated to Professor Ed Zajec, who passed away a few years ago. Contributors: Jae C. Oh and Edward Zajec