This post is all about why your organization should consider writing blog posts from its own organizational expertise vs linking to others blogs.
Initially its a method to build your foundation for trusted information. It takes time, it must be done now. The essential element of trust is knowing that what you learn from others helps you and your organization do what it does, better, smarter, faster and with more effect.
1. Blog posts will be the most effective way to market your organization in the coming 18-24 months. Sure, visitors love videos and appealing visuals, but when it comes to getting at the nuts and bolts of what you want your readers to know, feel, think and do, there is no better way to communicate that than a blog post.
2. Your blog is the human angle of your operations. It’s where you find your voice.
The Demand is constant once you hit someones interest. Figuring out that is the compelling challenge you face but shouldn't be too difficult to get after.
How Effective is blogging for what you do? Click here for a great example.
3. Blog posts when done correctly drives traffic to your site and keeps them here. You can develop a pathway for learning, teaching or just informing people. The main thing to remember is to mock up where you want readers to go, what is the take away and how do you want them to act on the information should be a part of your purposeful pathway.
4. Blogging not only creates traffic but it also compels others to link to it from their content, email, text links and even course curriculum. Students can use this information to develop a better sense of understanding on a process, a complex issue or a wicked problem.
5. Among other factors developing a following and a learning or teaching pathway through blogs is essential to being effective in an online social environment. Our society is becoming more digital natives through online social activities, learning and information resources. A blog can inform readers but more importantly it can teach people and developing a reflection style post can teach from within.
6. Create the environment. Blog posts can be a great way to introduce tough issues, because you can create a story around the issue. Readers love stories that put them in the story itself, and they can reflect on their own life and work issues in the reading. If your readers can see themselves inside of the story it can become a very effective step to visually creating the human side of the issue, and will leave no doubt where they are in the story.
Life happens at the speed of storytelling. A big proponent of storytelling in a blog post is using images to help you visually tell the story, and this helps readers actually see themselves in the story. Just like informal reading we see in a short stories, documentaries and good books, you have to be personal. Formal is great, but the power of writing on a more personal level will build strong connections to the story, its purpose and getting people to use the information for their own use. The great thing is you don't have to do it all yourself. Get others to write about their expertise or tell their story.
What is your blogging tip? Whats your organizations claim to fame?
Now, break into small groups and discuss.