The Air Force's Air University at Maxwell AFB AL is embarking on challenge to improve the advocacy of Airpower through effective outreach, but also improve its own internal integration.  Using recently created strategic priorities to guide the efforts Air University Commander and President, Lt Gen Steven Kwast has issued 5 lines of operations to focus the university on efforts to enable the university to educate more people, more broadly and deeply so that they can think critically, act morally, and innovate rapidly. 

1.          Deliver the best education possible to all Airmen and other Air University students.

2.         Conduct research and analysis to make recommendations that address Air Force and national security challenges of today and tomorrow.

3.         Build partnerships, share expertise, and expand influence to promote and advocate for airpower.

4.         Execute a robust doctrine development, delivery, and education program that underpins and guides Air Force and airpower strategies, concepts, and operations.

5.         Build Air University's capacity to deliver education, research, outreach, and doctrine.

AU leadership, coupled with its educational courses and research programs throughout the AF provide in-depth understanding of national and international opportunities necessary for effective outreach and engagement. As the leaders in education for the Air Force, AU will need to become a world leader in the discovery of new knowledge and technological advances suited for education and research across a broad spectrum of areas. The entire institution will need to be committed to offering this breadth of knowledge through current and future outreach and engagement programs. 

In AU's quest to develop superior education and research the University can leverage capability to help senior leaders address vexing challenges and, in so doing, connect more fully with communities, agency partners, industry, academia, legislators, and the American people. 

Its in these strategic lines of operations that Lt Gen Kwast has set the future in motion.