CLC Welcome Pamphlet

Congratulations Chiefs, and welcome to the United States Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Leadership Course (CLC) Class 20C.  The CLC provides new Chiefs with foundational senior leadership competencies.  Our mission is to develop strategic-minded leaders of a lethal and ready force.  Upon completion of this course you will have a greater appreciation for our enterprise and an enhanced ability to apply the appropriate level of AF institutional competencies to advise strategic leaders. 


Our goal is to provide a rewarding and memorable experience.  During the course you will be challenged while interacting with your peer group, and enjoy discussions with leaders and subject matter experts across the enterprise.   More information on the course to include the required reading list can be found on the AU Website.


ABUs/OCPs is UOD for the majority of the course.  The UOD for Graduation is the service uniform (any combination, Full Service Dress is NOT required).  Business casual is expected/recommended for any off-base CLC outings (during duty hours) and may be optional for specific briefing days of opportunity when deemed appropriate. 


Attached is a link to some resources to assist you in preparing for your TDY to Maxwell-Gunter AFB, AL: CLC APAN Site


Reporting Instructions--contains course expectations/requirements and additional useful information to assist you during your stay at Maxwell-Gunter.  Additionally, there are links and helpful hints to completing your TDY orders in this document.   Please make this document your first look for CLC TDY information. 


To answer a FAQ up front:  per AETC policy, rental cars are not paid for with the TDY-to-School fund cite, this is an organizationally funded item. Buses are provided to and from the hotel on Day 1.


Again, welcome to CLC and we look forward to seeing you soon!





The Faculty and Staff

CMSgt Leadership Course (CLC)

Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex AL 36114

DSN 596-1061/Comm: (334) 416-1061
