Why are you here...on APAN

We are excited you are here.  APAN is a greate place to collaborate on subjects that interest the Air Force, your organization and Air University.

Basically coming here with "like-minded" individuals with a burning question or wicked problem to frame you are significantly in front of the pack.  Half the battle with a wicked issue is getting people together to discuss, hash out and address those nasty problems.  APAN does just that and allows you to share knowledge freely, to learn from one another, sharing resources along the way to maybe shift workloads, possibly to take advantage of other people’s brains, avoid bottlenecks, to help one another complete jobs and maybe to meet deadlines – yes, collaborate.

What makes this place called APAN so special?  First, its Air Force approved and managed and second, you don’t need a CAC to make it work.  The really great aspect of this system is that you can use it on any device wherever you have an internet connection. 

So how does the group make this collaboration thing work?  Your group can be a very focused collaboration machine by practicing a few tips. (suggested and not all inclusive)

  1. Define your goal/objective oriented game plan for your group. (for what purpose are you here?)
    1. It’s a place to bounce ideas off of coworkers, friends and bosses alike.
    2. It’s a place to work. No cat videos or memes from the Most Interesting Man in the World.
    3. What will your group try to accomplish, answer or address and why?
    4. Who is your customer? The Commander,  MAJCOM, COCOM, HAF, CSAF, SAF?
    5. What is the operations process for getting your answers - OODA this thing.
    6. Inform your leadership of what you are doing.

  2. Decide on the piecies and parts you can formulate here to make it work.
    1. Everyone is busy, with real jobs and time is limited.
    2. Check-in with the group on a reasonable schedule (It’s called pulsing the group)

  3. Designate (volunteers of course) individuals in appropriate roles. (Establish the Community)
    1. Your group is here to get at issues, and address areas of interest
    2. Find a few good souls to dedicate a few hours a week to your groups purpose.
    3. Find people you know in your expertise field and tell them how excited you are.
    4. If you already have a group you are one up on everyone else
  4. Drive the conversation that others will want to get into.
    1. Start small, stir, then go big.
    2. Participate with comments, discussions, likes, ratings and group decisions.
    3. Elevate the group’s results along the way.
    4. If you know what you are talking about, then talk about it.
    5. Talk to people off the grid.
    6. Online Dogfights are good - if they relate. Keep it civil; true to the purpose.
    7. Send some regular emails out with links to your community
    8. Put a plug in to your slides whenever you brief, ask your group members to do the same.
    9. Spawning other groups is not a bad thing – if they relate – do it.

  5. Deliver group decisions, back briefs, and or positions on your set goals & objectives.
    1. Provide some value for your time spent here.
    2. Deliver value that creates or provides new opportunities.
    3. Upload your finalized products and send people to them.
    4. Show your boss.

APAN can suplement a groups charter by providing a place where that "pop-up" question or issue can live, get discussed and maybe get solved.