C2 and Operational Art Literature Review – September 2017


(Arranged in chronological order - please send any additional nominations for the next update to david.lyle.1@us.af.mil)


The Evolution of Operational Art, Brigade Commander Georgii Samoilovich Isserson, 1936


Implications of centralized control and decentralized execution. John G. Cronican, Jr., Lt. Col., USAF.  AU Airpower Symposium Conference draft, Dec 1979. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=359779


Essence of decision by Graham Allison, 1971. (See also the second edition with Philip Zelikow, 1999)


A Genius for War: The German Army and General Staff 1807-1945, Col TN Dupuy, 1984.


Command in War, Martin Van Creveld, 1985.


The Science of Command and Control: Coping with Uncertainty, Edited by Stuart Johnson and Alexander Levis, 1988.


The Science of Command and Control Part 2: Coping with Complexity, Edited by Stuart Johnson and Alexander Levis, 1989.


War Plan Orange: The US Strategy to Defeat Japan, 1897-1945, Edward Miller, 1991.


Soviet Military Operational Art: In Pursuit of Deep Battle. David M. Glantz, 1991.


War in the Age of Intelligent Machines, Manuel DeLanda, 1991.


Command and Control for War and Peace, Thomas Coakley, 1992


 Joint Air Operations: Pursuit of Unity in Command and Control, 1942-1991 by Winnefeld, J. A. & Johnson, D. J. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1993.


Command and Control: The Literature and Commentaries. Frank M. Snyder, 1993. http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a276649.pdf


Maneuver Warfare: An Anthology. Edited by Richard D. Hooker, Jr., 1993.


Modern Scientific Metaphors of Warfare: Updating the Doctrinal Paradigm. Patrick Kelly, SAMS monograph,AY 92-93. http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a274366.pdf


 Decentralized execution : will it become a lost art? / by Timothy A. Meyers, Comdr., USN. Naval War College, June 1993. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=261121


The Science of Command and Control Part 3: Coping with Change (Aip Information Systems), Edited by Alexander Levis and Ilze Levis, 1994


Peace by committee : command and control issues in multinational peace enforcement operations.  Harold E. Bullock, SAAS thesis, Feb 1995. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=1&ti=1,1&=&=&=&PID=MxWRJNNyqCjcu3ToC2eJV3L9ddp&SEQ=20170905142813&SID=2


Airpower’s Gordian knot: centralized vs. organic control by S.J. McNamara.  Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, Nov 1994.  http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a286189.pdf  


The Dollars and Sense of Command and Control, Raymond C. Bjorklund, 1995.


Command, Control, and the Common Defense, Keith Allard, 1996 http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a421917.pdf


Centralized control/decentralized execution: a valid tenet of airpower by H.J. Santicola.  Master’s Thesis.  U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA.  http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA434411


Centers of Gravity & Critical Vulnerabilities: Building on the Clausewitzian Foundation So That We Can All Speak the Same Language, Perspectives on Warfighting #4, Dr. Joe Strange, 1996.


In Pursuit of Military Excellence: The Evolution of Operational Theory – Shimon Naveh, 1997


Adaptive command and control of theater airpower by D.K. Gerber.  Thesis. School of Advanced Airpower Studies: Maxwell AFB, AL, 1997. www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA391859


The airpower tenet of centralized control from organizational and battle management perspectives.  Steven J. DePalmer, SAAS thesis, June 1997. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=1&ti=1,1&=&=&=&PID=84LnPjDeMkvPECB6M_LEEPzkIhkp&SEQ=20170905142622&SID=1


 “Advanced air traffic automation: A case in distributed decentralized control.” By Tomlin, C. J., Pappas, G. J., Kosecka, J., Lygeros, J., & Sastry, S. S.  Control Problems in Robotics and Automation, 230, 261-295, 1998.


Command Concepts: A Theory Derived From the Practice of Command and Control by Carl Builder, Steven Bankes, and Richard Nordin, 1999. http://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR775.html


Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein, 2000. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/ccrp/ncw.pdf


Fleet Tactics and Coastal Combat, CAPT Wayne Hughes, 2000.


Advanced Technology Concepts for Command and Control, Ed. Dr. Alexander Kott, 2001


The limits of decentralized execution : the effects of technology on a central airpower tenet / by Mustafa R. Koprucu, Maj, USAF. SAAS thesis, June 2001 http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA407879


Effects based operations: Applying network centric warfare in peace, crisis, and war by E.A Smith, Jr. Department of Defense Command and Control Research Program, 2002.  http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/ccrp/ebo_smith.pdf


Operational control of global airpower. Steven L. Basham, SAAS Thesis, June 2002. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=1&ti=1,1&=&=&=&PID=nZG4lssD7h-mUmVKg2sUUmShBF4z&SEQ=20170905144239&SID=4 


THE ORIGIN OF CENTRALIZED CONTROLAND DECENTRALIZED EXECUTION RENE F. ROMERO, MAJOR, USAF MMAS thesis, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 2003. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/army/romero.pdf


 The Challenges of High Command: The British Experience, Edited by Gary Sheffield and Geoffrey Till, 2003.


Airpower in Three Wars by W.W. Momyer. Air University Press, 2003. http://www.au.af.mil/au/aupress/digital/pdf/book/b_0089_momyer_airpower.pdf


Power to the Edge: Command and Control in the Information Age by Alberts, D. S. & Hayes, R. E., 2003. http://www.dodccrp.org/files/Alberts_Power.pdf


Maneuver and effect : the need for chutes and ladders command and control. Scott W. Rizer, Naval War College, Feb 2003. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=8&ti=1,8&=&=&=&PID=iINu5xxbkMTUtNoHkrcttUeM87My&SEQ=20170905143005&SID=3


The lessons of complexity and future warfare. Kevin D. Hendricks, School of Advanced Military Studies monograph, May 2003. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=1&ti=1,1&=&=&=&PID=iINu5xxbkMTUtNoHkrcttUeM87My&SEQ=20170905143005&SID=3


Remembering the future of centralized control-decentralized execution. Patrick J. Sheets. Brookings Institute, April 2003. http://dtlweb.au.af.mil/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1506028672226~514


Centralized control with decentralized execution : never divide the fleet? Daniel F. Baltrusaitis, Air War College student paper, Feb 2003. http://dtlweb.au.af.mil/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1506028729175~46


Centralized command - decentralized execution : implications of operating in a network centric warfare environment / by Richard M. Gomez. AWC research paper, 2003. http://dtlweb.au.af.mil/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1506029592340~83


Command Failure in War: Psychology and Leadership, Pois and Langer, 2004.


Operational Level Air Commanders: A Search for the Elements of Genius. SAAS Thesis,  June 2004. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=1&ti=1,1&=&=&=&PID=cfQytnVd9xzAFkhKIKRkBrk0vjb9&SEQ=20170905135614&SID=1


Decentralized Control Considered. William J. Ott, SAAS thesis, June 2004.  http://dtlweb.au.af.mil/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1506028813079~32


“Defining Decentralized Execution in Order to Recognize Centralized Execution", Woody Parramore. Air and Space Power Journal Fall 2004: 24-26. http://www.airuniversity.af.mil/Portals/10/ASPJ/journals/Volume-18_Issue-1-4/Fal04.pdf


Historical Perspectives on the Operational Art, Center for Military History, US Army, 2005. http://www.history.army.mil/html/books/070/70-89-1/cmhPub_70-89.pdf


The implementation of Network-Centric Warfare, DoD Office of Force Transformation, 2005.






Distributed Networked Operations: The Foundations of Network Centric Warfare, Jeff Cares, 2005.


Beyond Centralized Control and Decentralized Execution by Major Steven E. Ankerstar, SAASS Thesis AY2005 http://dtlweb.au.af.mil/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1506029039040~910


Centralized control and decentralized execution : a fundamental guiding myth of air power by R.J. Martin. Canadian Forces College paper, 2005. ttp://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/291/287/martin.pdf


Centralized control/decentralized execution : a valid tenet of airpower.  Henry J. Santicola. U.S. Army War College, 2005. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA434411


Beyond centralized control and decentralized execution. Steven E. Ankerstar, SAASS thesis, June 2005.



Is centralized control and decentralized execution still valid? : yes, but it needs revitalized. Mark R. Ely, ACSC student paper, April 2006. http://dtlweb.au.af.mil/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1506029230419~315


Time for a new master tenet? : a monograph / by John J. Schaefer, III, SAMS May 2006. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA450629


 Understanding Command and Control by Alberts, D. S. & Hayes, R. E.  Washington, DC: Department of Defense Command and Control Research Program. 2006. http://www.dodccrp.org/files/Alberts_UC2.pdf


The End of Command and Control? Shedding New Light on Transformation and the Revolution in Military Affairs. SAASS thesis, June 2007. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=2&ti=1,2&=&=&=&PID=3SzQCmVroyxvTnuCo1YZanrHPPS&SEQ=20170905141026&SID=11


Enemies of Intelligence: Knowledge and Power in American National Security, Richard Betts, 2007.


"How Technology Almost Lost the War: In Iraq, the Critical Networks Are Social — Not Electronic" by Noah Schachtman. Wired Business, Nov 27, 2007, accessible at https://www.wired.com/2007/11/ff-futurewar/?currentPage=all


Command in Air War: Centralized Versus Decentralized Control of Combat Airpower by Mark Kometer.  Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 2007. http://www.au.af.mil/au/aupress/bookinfo.asp?bid=248


Battle of Cognition: The Future Information–Rich Warfare and the Mind of the Commander, edited by Alexander Kott, 2008.


Command and control organizations for network enabled warfare. Francis J. Huber, Ary War College paper, March 2008. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=5&ti=1,5&=&=&=&PID=iINu5xxbkMTUtNoHkrcttUeM87My&SEQ=20170905143005&SID=3


Decentralizing Centralized Control Reorienting a Fundamental Tenet for Resilient Air Operations. Major Mark E. Blomme SAMS Monograph AY 2008: http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA485469


Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century. PW Singer, 2009


The Scientific Way of Warfare: Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity, Antoine Bousquet, 2009


Command and Control: The Sociotechnical Perspective, Guy H. Walker, Neville A. Stanton, Paul M. Salmon, Daniel P. Jenkins, 2009.


Centralized control and decentralized execution: A catchphrase in crisis? By S. Clinton Hinote. Research Paper 2009-1.  Maxwell AFB: Air Force Research Institute, 2009. http://www.au.af.mil/au/aupress/bookinfo.asp?bid=116,


Command and control of airpower : a new paradigm for the future. Gregory S. Marzolf Air War College student paper, 2009. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=4&ti=1,4&=&=&=&PID=iINu5xxbkMTUtNoHkrcttUeM87My&SEQ=20170905143005&SID=3


The operations support facility : at the intersection of future threats and centralized control & decentralized executions / by Brett D. Sharp. Air War College research paper, Feb 2009. http://dtlweb.au.af.mil/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1506030007645~321 


"Network Centric Warfare: Its Promises and Problems" by Milan Vego, from Joint Operational Warfare Theory and Practice and V. 2, Historical Companion, Dept. of the Navy; Reissue, Ist edition, pp XIII-3 - XIII-11, 2009.


A Concept for Command and Control. Robert R. Leonhard, Thomas H. Buchanan, James L. Hillman, John M. Nolen, and Timothy J. Galpin JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 2, 2010. http://www.jhuapl.edu/techdigest/TD/td2902/Leonhard.pdf


Programming coup d’oeil : the impact of decision making technology in operational warfare, John Gaines. US Naval War College student paper, June 2010. log.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=2&ti=1,2&=&=&=&PID=jZi-hcDNRvDU2xmsJse-DIGJNcDw&SEQ=20170905134352&SID=6


 “Effects Felt Around the World: The Growing Complexities of the Interaction between Geographic and Functional Combatant Commanders,” O’Shaughnessy, Terrence, Baron V. Greenhouse, and Kurt M. Schendzielos. High Frontier Journal, Vol.7, No.1, November 2010, pp. 30-33. 


"A New Chance for Network Centric Warfare in the Context of Modernity" by Arent Arntzen and Tor Olav Grotan in Conceptualizing Modern War, eds. Karl Erik Haug and Ole Jorgan Maao. London: Hurst & Co, pp. 231-258, 2011.


Air Force command and control: The need for increased adaptability by Jeff Hukill. 17th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium. http://dodccrp.org/events/17th_iccrts_2012/post_conference/papers/030.pdf, 2011.


“Developing flexible command and control of airpower” by J. Hukill and D. Mortenson, Air & Space Power Journal, 2011


The Evolution of Operational Art: From Napoleon to the Present. Ed. John Andres Olsen and Martin Van Creveld, 2011


Flawed Doctrine: The Problem With Centralized Control and Decentralized Execution, Squadron Leader Travis Hallen. THE SIR RICHARD WILLIAMS FOUNDATION INC, 2011 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwimiN7i9s_VAhXCyyYKHbNQDfsQFggsMAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.williamsfoundation.org.au%2FResources%2FDocuments%2FHallen%2520Research%2520Paper2.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGFOcEXOzoaecZlt1OXD7lbQkwdlw


Modeling command and control: Event analysis of systemic teamwork. Baber, C. Harris, D., & Stanton, N. A, 2012


Carrying the War to the Enemy: American Operational Art to 1945, Michael Matheny, 2012


Operationalizing and Improving C2 Agility: Lessons from Experimentation. Alberts, D. S. and Manso, M.. 17th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, 2012 http://dodccrp.org/events/17th_iccrts_2012/post_conference/presentations/086.pdf


Transforming Airborne Command and Control and ISR. Kouji Gillis, SAASS Thesis, June 2012. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=1&ti=1,1&=&=&=&=&PID=IjJizbNB8IvCoItcwJHooVyDCjDe&SEQ=20170905141504&SID=13


 “An Airman’s Perspective on Mission Command.” Col Dale Shoupe, ret. Air & Space Power Journal September–October 2012 http://www.au.af.mil/au/afri/aspj/digital/pdf/articles/2012-Sep-Oct/V-Shoupe.pdf


Addressing the Fog of the COG: Perspectives on the Center of Gravity in Military Doctrine. US Army CGSC Faculty, Ed. Celestino Perez, Dec 2012. http://usacac.army.mil/cac2/cgsc/carl/download/csipubs/COG.pdf


 “Effects Felt Around the World: The Growing Complexities of the Interaction between Geographic and Functional Combatant Commanders,” O’Shaughnessy, Terrence, Baron V. Greenhouse, and Kurt M. Schendzielos. High Frontier Journal, Vol.7, No.1, November 2010, pp. 30-33. 


"A New Chance for Network Centric Warfare in the Context of Modernity" by Arent Arntzen and Tor Olav Grotan in Conceptualizing Modern War, eds. Karl Erik Haug and Ole Jorgan Maao. London: Hurst & Co, pp. 231-258, 2011


"Effectiveness through control : centralized execution in air mobility operations" / by Lieutenant Colonel Barry Allen Dickey, United States Air Force, Army War College research paper, March 2013. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA589404


Nonlinear Science and Warfare: Chaos, complexity, and the US Military in the Information Age. Sean Lawson, 2014


An Operational Architecture for Improving Air Force Command and Control Through Enhanced Agile Combat Support Planning, Execution, Monitoring, and Control Processes, by Kristin Lynch, John G. Drew, Robert S. Tripp, Daniel M. Romano, Jin Woo Yi, Amy L. Maletic, Rand. June 30, 2014. https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR261.html


Resilient command and control; the need for distributed control by Hostage, G. M. III & Broadwell, L. R. Jr  Joint Forces Quarterly 74, 38-42, 2014. http://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/jfq/jfq-74/jfq-74_38-43_Hostage.pdf


“NATO Air Command-Afghanistan: The Continuing Evolution of Airpower Command and Control” by K Wilsbach & D. Lyle. Air & Space Power Journal January–February 2014  http://www.au.af.mil/au/afri/aspj/article.asp?id=188


An Operational Architecture for Improving Air Force Command and Control through Agile Combat Support Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Control Processes, Lynch, Kristin, John G. Drew, Robert S. Tripp, Daniel M. Romano, Jim Woo Yi, and Amy L. Maletic. (RAND: Santa Monica, CA: 2014) available on-line at: http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR261.html


Air & Space Power Journal Special C2 Edition Jul-Aug 2014:




Special C2 edition includes:

Cyr, H. (2014). Describing the elephant: Framing a discussion on command and control. Air & Space Power Journal 28 (4) 17-25 http://www.airuniversity.af.mil/Portals/10/ASPJ/journals/Volume-28_Issue-4/E-Cyr.pdf

Deptula, D. A. (2014). A new era for command and control of aerospace operations. http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a604518.pdf

Docauer, A. (2014). Peeling the onion: Why centralized control/decentralized execution works. http://www.au.af.mil/au/afri/aspj/digital/pdf/articles/2014-Mar-Apr/F-Docauer.pdf

Lyle, D. (2014). The rest of the C2 iceberg. http://www.airuniversity.af.mil/Portals/10/ASPJ/journals/Volume-28_Issue-4/F-Lyle.pdf

Maykish, P.J. C2 Rising: A Historical View of Our Critical Advantage. http://www.airuniversity.af.mil/Portals/10/ASPJ/journals/Volume-28_Issue-4/F-Maykish.pdf


Command and control in the anti-access/area denial environment. Max C. Weems, Air War College student paper, Feb 2015. http://catalog.au.af.mil/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=11&ti=1,11&=&=&=&PID=fElxdMMKAxrGeSy-ATXeeGtxY1xo&SEQ=20170905144420&SID=5 


“Command and Control of Joint Air Operations through Mission Command”. Col Trent R. Carpenter/ Air & Space Power Journal Summer 2016 http://www.airuniversity.af.mil/Portals/10/ASPJ/journals/Volume-30_Issue-2/F-Carpenter.pdf


“Reshaping Centralized Control / Decentralized Execution for the Emerging Operating Environment” by Brian “Bingo” McLean, Over the Horizon blog, March 2017. https://overthehorizonmdos.com/2017/03/13/reshaping-cc-dc-de/