AU C2 Coordinating Activity Charter

Charter: AY17 Command and Control Coordinating Activity (C2CA)

Chartering Authority: AU/CV


Purpose: The AY17 Command and Control Coordinating Activity (C2CA) will monitor and coordinate AUs efforts that contribute to enhancing Air Force command and control education and planning activities.


Responsible Organization: Integration Cell


Coordinating Activity Lead: Lt Col Dave Lyle


Concept: The Command and Control Coordinating Activity monitor staff, student, and faculty activities that support building command and control (C2) knowledge and expertise. The C2CA will facilitate the sharing of information between the various AU individuals and organizations conducting both internal and external C2 related activities, and present a composite picture to the AU commander. When possible, C2CA will seek opportunities to connect various projects to one another to enhance common understanding of the challenges, and to connect those with problems to others who may be able to provide parts of the solution. The C2CA will have no tasking authority, but has coordinating authorities and direct liaison as required to collect and provide a composite picture of AU’s C2 related activities to the AU Commander.



Mutual visibility and shared understanding on C2 efforts being pursued by AU organizations

-  After action reports from participants in C2 related activities, to include but not limited to research trips, wargames, and conferences.

-  Regular updates to the AU/CC provided by the Integration Cell.


  • Responses to HAF A5/8 queries on Strategic Master Plan deliverables and summaries of AU contributions to C2 reinvigoration


  • Responses to AETC on AU activities supporting the C2 Summit vectors


  • End-of-year report to stakeholders that synthesizes AU’s contributions to the advancement of C2 knowledge and expertise during AY17


Resources: The AU Coordinating Activity has no separately allocated funds or personnel, but will be administrated by the AU Integration Cell.


Members: Lt Col Dave Lyle will serve as the C2CA lead and primary action officer. Each AU entity commander will nominate their own POCs to participate in C2CA sync activities.



-  Individual activity commanders are responsible for execution and achievement of the C2 related outcomes as per their curriculum and organizational plans.

-  Deans will ensure that C2 activity teaching faculty and elective courses meet applicable standards for awarding academic course credit.

-  AU/A3 will coordinate for requested AU staff support to the Coordinating Activity and administer quarterly meetings to update AU leaders on C2CA progress.