C2CA Documents

OSD-P Theater Campaign Planning Planner's Handbook V1.0 Feb 2012

This handbook is intended to provide combatant command planners with a conceptual approach to developing theater campaign plans (TCPs). It is based on insights from a variety of sources over the last several years. This booklet is designed to assist planners by presenting a broad approach to TCPs and country-level planning that considers ongoing security cooperation efforts, current operations, the Phase 0 component of contingency plans, and resourcing constraints as part of the combatant commander’s implementation of his strategic approach to the area of responsibility. Doing so successfully requires some modification of traditional operational planning approaches and an appreciation that every Department of Defense (DoD) action, word, and image communicates the real or perceived intent of DoD and the United States Government (USG). This handbook focuses on those insights and modified intellectual approaches as complementary materials to fundamental planner references such as Joint Publication 5-0, Joint Operation Planning and CJCSM 3122 Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES).
