Financial Capability Month

Financial Capability Month
During April’s National Financial Capability Month (FINCAP), all Americans are encouraged to understand their individual barriers to financial well-being and take action to increase their financial capability.  Throughout the month, the Department of Defense (Office of Financial Readiness, MilSpouse Money Mission and the services) promotes financial literacy fundamentals to help increase economic security for service members, their spouses and their families.

 As a trusted source of financial planning, the DoD will develop the messaging and resources throughout the month. Use the information, key messages and imagery in this media kit to encourage junior service members to build a strong financial foundation.

 Target Audiences:

  • Junior service members
  • Military families (including spouses)
  • Military leaders
  • Service providers

 Campaign Goals:

  • Empower service members, their spouses and families to achieve economic security through the use of financial tools and strategies that can help them take control of their finances.
  • Increase audience recognition and engagement with DoD as their trusted source of financial literacy education and counseling.
  • Increase junior service member’s appreciation of the economic advantages of military service to jump-start their careers and help build their financial foundation.