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AFRICA3 Turkey’s Expanding Military Presence in Africa5 Foreign Forces in Africa6 Mali’s Civil Protection Challenge7 Why Can’t Kenyan Forces Defeat al-Shabaab in Kenya?8 The Destabilizing Stability Doctrine9 Abubakar Shekau…Dead Man Running10 The Risk of the “Somalization” of the Sahel11 Boko Haram Psyop on Chibok Girls Continue12 Conflict, Cash, and Cholera13 Namibia: Hangry SoldiersMIDDLE EAST, NORTH AFRICA14 Turkey Eyes Police/Military Cooperation with Azerbaijanand Kyrgyzstan15 Egypt-Turkey Friction Over Political Order in the “LevantBasin”17 Iran: Warship Sinks after Mishap18 Iran: Telegram Giving Data to US and Israel18 Iran Develops UAS with “Smart Bomb” Capability19 Iran: US Sponsoring Islamic State in Afghanistan20 Iran: Winning Hearts and Minds in Deir Ezzor22 Raqqa’s MinefieldsLATIN AMERICA24 Military Training Key to Panama’s Success in Counter DrugOperations25 Venezuela Continues to Disappear26 Venezuela’s PDVSA on the Verge of Collapse, Deepeningthe Country’s Economic Crisis27 Colombian Urban What-Is-Wrong List28 What Did FARC Leaders Expect?29 Peruvian Cocaine Production Associated with PossibleShining Path Resurgence?30 Cuba to Build Massive Windfarms with Chinese Assistance31 Mexican Army Seizes Claymore Mines, Rifles, and Drugs inTamaulipas