OEE Red Diamond May-Jul18

During the past year, ACE-TI analysts have been creating three new versions

of the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE), which have been

developed in collaboration with both US Army combat training centers and

multinational partners such as the UK, Australia, and Canada. DATE Europe,

DATE Pacific, and DATE Africa focus on those respective parts of the globe.

Separate articles provide introductions to the new DATEs through excerpts

taken from the current drafts of these upcoming products.


Topics covered include an overview of each new DATE country, a description

of the regional strategic setting, and a summary of the regional political,

military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical

environment, and time (PMESII-PT) variables.


Delivery methods for ACE-TI products are improving, as highlighted on page

  1. The Army Training Network (ATN) recently underwent a major revision, and

TRADOC's Operational Environment (OE) Data Integration Network (ODIN)

website has gone live. The final article of this Red Diamond edition delves

deeper into navigation on each of these sites and the products available.

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