OEE Red Diamond Sep-Oct18

This issue of the Red Diamond debuts a new look to the newsletter and features

five articles.


The first wraps a series of articles assessing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

used by North Korea, Russia, Iran, and now China. China is capable of

conducting mass-UAV operations due to the volume and breadth of its UAV

inventory. This article provides specifications on many of China's UAVs and

explains the implications for US Army training.


The second article delves into the application of counter-stability operations

by the threat. It details various types of counter-stability actions and their

potential effects, with a focus on criminal activity.


In the third article, GCKN explains the components of its Cultural Mapping

Series (CMS) products which can be used to broaden the user's understanding of

an operational environment with emphasis on social-cultural elements. These

unique products can both enhance understanding and encourage deeper

questioning for analysis.


The Threat Tactics Course is a Foundry-approved course taught by TRADOC G-2

ACE Threats Integration. This article explains briefly what the course offers,

who it's for, and how to get it as an MTT.


The newsletter concludes with a brief article explaining that the

authoritative source for the Decisive Action Training Environments (DATEs),

the WEG, and OPFOR Training Circulars is on ODIN [Operational Environment Data

Integration Network], which is accessible to all users.
