What is a hybrid threat? What does it typically consist of and what are its capabilities? According the TC 7-100: Hybrid Threat, a hybrid threat is the diverse and dynamic combination of regular forces, irregular forces, and/or criminal elements all unified to achieve mutually benefitting effects. A hybrid threat consists of at least two of the following five elements:
- A conventional regular force
- A professional military force or a force comprised of a professional cadre and conscripts
- A paramilitary forces (state police, internal security troops, border protection forces, etc.)
- Criminal elements
- Insurgent groups (typically rely on subversion and violent acts [terrorism] to force political change) and guerrilla units (irregular, homegrown forces operating in occupied territory, they may or may not be uniformed, organized, and equipped like a regular force)
In addition, TC 7-100 Hybrid Threat also defines insurgents and guerrillas: Insurgents: An insurgency is “the organized use of subversion and violence by a group or movement that seeks to overthrow or force change of a governing authority” (JP 3-24).
- Guerrillas: A guerrilla is “a combat participant in guerrilla warfare” (JP 1-02). Guerrilla warfare is “military and paramilitary operations conducted in enemyheld or hostile territory by irregular, predominantly indigenous forces” (JP 3.05.1).