Chers amis et collègues :

Je m'excuse pour ne pas avoir communiquez plus fréquemment mais j'était très bien occupé cette six dernières semaines.  Voici les nouvelles.

Madame Dowell m'a demandez de vous faire savoir que toutes les photos quelle avait prise au cour de l'événement de planification final sont maintenant disponibles sur ce site même, APAN. Elle sera présente au cours de l'exercice a Lusaka et j'en suis sure qu'elle nous régalera une fois de plus avec ses photos.

Nous sommes en train de faire les dernières préparations avant l'exercice.  Cette année, l'exercice sera étroitement ciblé sur le domaine des transmissions.  Nous avons prévus beaucoup d'événements autour des problèmes fréquemment rencontrés dans toutes nos opérations militaires.  Nous avons également prévus  beaucoup d'autres événements autour les problèmes rencontrés lorsque que les procédures ne sont pas clairs. 

Les premiers éléments de l'équipe Africa Endeavor partirons de Stuttgart pour Lusaka en moins de deux semaines, l'aventure continue.

Bien a Tous,

Patrick Ganne


  • Dear friends and colleagues: I excuse myself not to have more frequently communicate but I was very quite occupied this six last weeks. Here the news. Mrs Dowell has ask to me to state to you that all the photographs which had taken at the court of the final event of planning are now available on this site even, APAN. She will be present during the exercise has Lusaka and I am sour that she will once more level us with her photographs. We are making the last preparations before the exercise. This year, the exercise will be narrowly targeted on the field of the transmissions. We envisaged many events around the problems frequently encountered in all our military operations. We also envisaged many of other events around the encountered problems when that the procedures are not clear. The first elements of the team Africa Endeavor will leave Stuttgart for Lusaka in less than two weeks, the continuous adventure. Well has All, Patrick Ganne

  • Dear friends and colleagues: I excuse myself not to have more frequently communicate but I was very quite occupied this six last weeks. Here the news. Mrs Dowell has ask to me to state to you that all the photographs which had taken at the court of the final event of planning are now available on this site even, APAN. She will be present during the exercise has Lusaka and I am sour that she will once more level us with her photographs. We are making the last preparations before the exercise. This year, the exercise will be narrowly targeted on the field of the transmissions. We envisaged many events around the problems frequently encountered in all our military operations. We also envisaged many of other events around the encountered problems when that the procedures are not clear. The first elements of the team Africa Endeavor will leave Stuttgart for Lusaka in less than two weeks, the continuous adventure. Well has All, Patrick Ganne

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