APAN will update our version of Adobe Connect to 11.4.5 on Wednesday November 2, 2022. APAN's Adobe Connect will be unavailable from 1800 to midnight Zulu/GMT/UTC time on Wednesday.

Be sure to close down your Adobe Connect rooms by clicking "End Session" instead of just exiting the room or just closing your browser. If the Host exits the room or closes the browser without using "End Session" the room will become corrupted during the upgrade. The "End Session" button is in the upper right corner of your Adobe Connect room. See screenshot below for the location of the "End Session" button.

The 11.4.5 version of Adobe Connect will fix a few minor issues for users. Please see the article from Adobe describing these fixes: https://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/release-note/adobe-connect-11-4-5-release-notes.html 

Please direct any questions to the APAN Help Desk: https://www.apan.org/pages/support 

Thank you for your attention, 

The APAN Customer Engagements Team

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