We are announcing the kickoff of the APAN SharePoint User Group (ASPUG). The ASPUG will keep users informed about APAN SharePoint activities. The ASPUG will provide a forum for exchanging ideas and information. The ASPUG is not meant to replace the APAN Support Desk or the Customer Engagement Specialists.
The success of ASPUG depends on the participation of the community.
Please join us online at our first meeting on Thursday, 15 Jan at 0830 HST/1330 EST/1830 GMT using our APAN Connect Room. https://connect.apan.org/aspug/?launcher=false (Link is on our web page.) If you cannot attend, the meeting will be recorded and posted. We will include a brief session on how to add a map from map.apan.org to your SharePoint site.
Our web site is up and running at
You must sign in with your APAN account to contribute to the web site.
Please note that there are several planned APAN maintenance periods for this week. The site might not be available during the maintenance.
Paul is awesome. I will try join.