To our Valued APAN Customers:Due to licensing issues, APAN Adobe Connect will be temporarily unavailable for several weeks starting on 14 March 2019. Existing data will be maintained, but users will not be able to connect to the service. We understand this temporary disruption for the web-conferencing capability may severely impact several operations and events. Please contact our Help Desk for more information if needed, so we can forward questions/concerns to the USAF MPE Program Manager.We will also be conducting APAN Sites & SQL maintenance in March that could last up to 12 hours. The date/times for intermittent degradation or unavailability for SharePoint Site users are: ==> Friday, 15 March 1800 GMT to Sunday, 17 March 0400 GMTMost of our services will not be affected in the cloud, but there are a few capabilities that require intermittent down-time to complete patching/maintenance. In order to reduce the impact to our customers, we are requesting you to forward us important dates & times of your events, exercises, conferences, meetings, etc. between the period March 01, 2019 to September 30, 2019. The APAN Team will add your event(s) date & times to our APAN Ops Support Schedule and will make every effort to minimize disruptions to your events during these periods of upgrades and patching.Please forward your event dates and/or any additional questions & concerns about Adobe Connect to our APAN Help Desk, or call 808-472-3361 / DSN 315-472-3361.Thank you for your support!Your APAN Application Service Provider Team
Great. Thanks for the news update