APAN's Verint platform has privacy settings that are managed differently from SharePoint or any other collaboration software. If you are an Owner or a Member of a Verint group on APAN, please note the following about how Verint privacy settings are managed.
Verint groups have 5 different options for privacy:
Private Unlisted means only users approved by the group Owners can enter the group, read, and interact with the content. Unlisted groups cannot be found on an APAN search. Owners must manually add or invite any users they wish to become Members.
Private Listed means only users approved by the group Owners can enter the group, read, and interact with the content. Listed groups can be found on an APAN search. APAN users can log in and conduct a search of all listed groups on APAN. Owners can manually add or invite any users they wish to become Members, and any APAN user can find the group and request access. Owners still need to approve or deny access requests. Listed groups cannot be found on an internet search using a search engine like Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go, or any others. A user must have an APAN account and be logged in to search for a group.
Public Closed means the content in the group is published to the internet for anyone to view. The content is READ ONLY to any person on the internet. The "Closed" part of this term refers to the membership of the group. The Members’ list is still controlled by the Owners. Members can interact with the content where non-members, anyone on the internet, can only read the content. Members can make Forum posts, Blog posts, comments, edit the wiki, etc. APAN users can find the group on an APAN search and request membership.
Public Open is only allowed for use on APAN under certain circumstances. The group's content is Public, so it is viewable to any person on the internet. The "open" part of this term refers to the membership of the group. The Members’ list is not controlled by the Owners. Any APAN user can make themselves a Member of a Public Open group. Owners have no control over the members list. That means that anyone who wants to can make an APAN account, make themselves a member of a Public Open group, and interact with the content. This setting is only allowed under certain circumstances when the Owners of the group are watching the content and membership 24/7 to monitor activity. Groups who do not meet these requirements are not allowed to use the Public Open setting.
Joinless means the Members list is removed from the group. Only Owners can interact with the content. The content is published publicly to the internet. Interactive features are not allowed on Joinless groups. Blogs, Forums, and Wikis are removed from any Joinless group.
These settings and more are covered in the Required APAN Owner Training sessions held every Tuesday from 12:00noon - 1:30pm US Eastern time. See the APAN University page for more training information. If you would like a live review of this content, please submit a ticket here: ServiceNow (apan.org) and request a custom training session.
Thank you for your attention,
APAN Support Team
Hi, can I have access please