Greetings APAN Users! 

This is a reminder (or new info for some) that the APAN team requests customers to notify us of any planned exercises, conferences, workshops or large-scale events. We ask that you submit a Request for No Interruption (RNI) to the APAN helpdesk via the ticket system. In addition, if you're planning an Adobe Connect event with at least 50 participants or more, that should definitely be on our radar. 

The RNI allows us to monitor system performance during your event as needed, be on standby to assist should you experience technical difficulties and most importantly, it prevents us from scheduling system maintenance or upgrades during any high level events such as exercises. 

Please make sure to submit your event information as we are planning several maintenance periods and upgrades in the next few months.   

We look forward to hearing from you and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the APAN helpdesk at +1-808-472-7855 or submit a ticket

That’s all for today. As always, thank you for using APAN.