APAN Applications - Generalized Governance for End Users (JAN 2025)

  • JAN 2025: Updated language, links, contact information and ticket submission process
  • MAR 2023: General information review and updates
  • AUG 2021: Updated the link to the Sites KB that outlines the permissions, as a SharePoint version 2013 visual upgrade was applied to the application on 25 June 2021
  • JAN 2021: Modified and consolidated statements to make it clear that these are guidelines/policy and not simply recommendations. removed section about change request and exceptions to policy (customers must contact the create a ticket for all requests); section 3.B includes guidance for both account deletion and email address changes, Adobe Connect section and links updated for upgrade to version 11.05
  • DEC 2020:   Multiple changes to various sections to add clarification regarding retention policy - section 2.A.4, formerly referred to as maintenance policy (still 2 years inactivity as stated since AUG 2018) for groups and sites; 2.B.2 stressing that ad-hoc customizations by end-users are not supported (bold/italicize to emphasize the word NOT); 4.A.1 recommendations for Telligent applications; 4.A.3 reiterating that custom modifications to Telligent group themes are still not supported/allowed; 5.A.5-6 emphasize adherence to SharePoint permission recommendations & caveats for registration lists; 6.B clarification for Adobe Connect retention and specific platform-related policies; 9.A moved caveat statement from section 2.D to section #9
  • JUL  2019:   Minor edits for Help Desk contact info and name of application
  • JAN 2019:   Title changed; broad governance documentation and recommendations for use of various APAN applications
  • AUG 2018:  Maintenance policy changed from 3 to 2 years (or 2 exercise iterations)
  • AUG 2016:   First iteration published regarding maintenance policy