Hypersonics: Challenges, Successes, and Opportunities for Basic Research
Presented by Dr. Mark Lewis, Science and Technology Policy Institute
August 10, 2017875 N. Randolph Street, Arlington, VARoom 40031:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Abstract: Hypersonic flight has been a focus of Air Force-funded research almost since the creation of the Air Force as an independent service. Though research funding in the field has followed a generally cyclic pattern, accomplishments in the past decade and developments around the world have brought practical hypersonic flight closer to reality. In very large measure due to the support of AFOSR, our collective understanding of hypersonic aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics, propulsion, and systems coupling has advanced tremendously in the past three decades. This talk will review some of those advances, and explore the application of hypersonics to future Air Force missions. It will also examine scientific and engineering challenges that remain before such capabilities will be practical and operational, as well as suggest promising directions for future research investments.
Biography: Mark J. Lewis is the Director of IDA's Science and Technology Policy Institute, a federally funded research and development center. He leads an organization that provides analysis of national and international science and technology issues to the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the White House, as well as other Federal agencies including the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, NASA, the Department of Energy, and the Federal Aviation Administration, among others.
Prior to taking charge of STPI, Dr. Lewis served as the Willis Young, Jr. Professor and Chair of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland. A faculty member at Maryland for 24 years, Dr. Lewis taught and conducted basic and applied research. From 2004-2008 Dr. Lewis was the Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force. From 2010 to 2011 he was President of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Dr. Lewis received Doctor of Science and Master of Science degrees in aeronautics and astronautics as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in earth and planetary science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Lewis is the author of more than 300 technical publications and has been an adviser to more than 70 graduate students. Dr. Lewis also served on various advisory boards for NASA, the Air Force, and DoD, including two terms on the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, the NASA Advisory Council, and the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board of the National Academies.
Dr. Lewis's awards include the Meritorious Civilian Service Award and Exceptional Civilian Service Award and he was also recognized as the 1994 AIAA National Capital Young Scientist/Engineer of the Year, IECEC/AIAA Lifetime Achievement Award, and is an Aviation Week and Space Technology Laureate (2007).
This lecture is presented by invitation only. Please contact Dr. Ken Goretta for details. ghz.thz@us.af.mil.