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[Under construction]2014 AFOSR MURIIntegrated Quantum Transduction with Photons, Phonons and SpinsPO: Dr. Harold Weinstock, Quantum Electronic SolidsPI: Dr. David Awschalom, University of ChicagoWebsite: TBD
The focus of this proposal is on developing the science and technology necessary to coherently convert quantum information with high fidelity between microwave and optical frequencies. The ability to perform such conversion would enable, for the first time, a coherent quantum transmission network, one which links superconducting, semiconducting and defect-based qubits. Crucially, such a network would also enable the long-distance communication (via light) of complex quantum states generated with e.g. superconducting qubits. It would also provide a unique method for simultaneously utilizing the different advantages of disparate quantum systems, with broad applications to quantum information processing and quantum sensing.
Our approach centers upon developing technology that enables and amplifies quantum-level interactions between optical photons, microwave phonons and microwave photons; we will also incorporate interactions with condensed matter spin systems and superconducting qubits. We will pursue a variety of different systems, making use of the broad expertise of the team members. All approaches are unified by the novel use of piezoelectric materials, both as a method for coupling as well as an inherent source of nonlinearity. Teams at Chicago and Caltech will develop on-chip devices in SiC to enable spin-photon and spin-photon-phonon quantum transduction. The Chicago team will also develop schemes enabling qubit-phonon and qubitphoton quantum-coherent coupling in AlN heterostructures. Cornell and Chicago will collaborate on using the piezoelectric effect in SiC to control single spins and spin-phonon coupling with MEMS resonators. Yale and Chicago will develop high performance AlN optomechanical devices. Yale will also explore the transfer of entanglement between optics and microwaves. McGill will develop the theory for robust quantum state transfer in all of these systems
Anticipated research outcomes include the development of several new powerful platforms for quantum information transduction. These in turn will allow for the first time the transmission of quantum information from a superconducting qubit to light via mechanical motion. We will also demonstrate the conversion of optically entangled states to the microwave domain, again using mechanical motion as an intermediary.
Impact on DoD capabilities: Realization of the proposal goals will have a transformative effect on the manipulation, storage, and communication of quantum information via interconnected chip-scale quantum circuits. By allowing access to robust, high-bandwidth optical channels, it will thus radically enhance the potential of existing qubit technologies for quantum computing and cryptographic applications. We also envision broader impacts, including new sensing and imaging modalities with nanometer-scale spatial resolution. The strong coherent coupling between superconducting qubits, mechanics, spins, and photons will enable multifunctional quantum sensors for electric, magnetic, thermal, and strain fields.