2018 Annual Grantees'/Contractors' Meeting for AFOSR "Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials & Microsystems (M^4)" Program and The Scott White Memorial Symposium
The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will host a special Memorial Symposium in honor of Professor Scott White, a visionary researcher in the area of composite materials who was instrumental in creating the field of self-healing materials. The Scott White Memorial Symposium was held on 13-16 August 2018 at the Beckman Institute and integrated with the 2018 Annual Grantees’/Contractors’ Meeting for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Program on "Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials & Microsystems (M^4)" which supported Scott’s research work for more than twenty years. To the M^4 research community, Scott acted as an inspirational leader and role model. The Scott White Memorial Symposium will start with six topic introductions, thirteen invited lectures and two keynote presentations that reflect the research areas triggered or strongly influenced by Scott’s many contributions to the field. In addition, there will be 46 presentations dealing with on-going research projects in the AFOSR M^4 Program.
Scott was the Donald B. Willett Professor in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He was born in Kansas City, Mo., grew up in Harrisonville, Mo., and attended the Missouri Institute of Science and Technology to obtain his undergraduate education. He earned the M.S. in mechanical engineering from Washington University in St. Louis and the Ph.D. in engineering science from Pennsylvania State University. He joined the faculty of the University of Illinois in 1990. Scott established the Autonomous Materials System group at the Beckman Institute, bringing together students and faculty from a range of disciplines to develop new materials with biologically inspired functions. He was an inspiring mentor, teacher and friend for the many students and faculty he worked with. Through his own example of hard work and determination, he was able to inspire us to set the bar higher, look for the next big discovery or run that extra mile. His internationally recognized research had significant impact in both the academic community and commercial sector.
This Program Review has already taken place. The presentations are now available for individual download. Please click HERE to view/print the updated agenda with links to each presentation.
Click here to view/print the most current agenda.
Click http://go.illinois.edu/AFOSRWhite to register online.
Travel & Lodging
Attendees are responsible for their own lodging. Directions to the Beckman Institute and local hotel information are posted at https://beckman.illinois.edu/about/contact/travel
Dr. B.-L. ("Les") LeeAir Force Office of Scientific ResearchPhone: 703-696-8483Email: byung.lee@us.af.mil