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The 2020 Annual Grantees'/Contractors' Meeting for AFOSR Program on “Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Microsystems (M^4)” is scheduled on 21-25 September 2020. Held in virtual conference mode and staffed by the personnel of AFOSR and the BRICC (4100 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 450, Arlington, VA), our annual meeting will host the following program review activities:
(a) Annual Review of all traditional core grants with single PI’s, YIP grants, HBCU/MI grants, and STTR contracts managed by AFOSR M^4 portfolio;
(b) The 4th Annual Review for CoE'16 Program on “Self-Healing, Regeneration & Structural Remodeling” (PI: Prof. Nancy Sottos, Univ. Illinois);
(c) The 4th Annual Review for BRI'16 Program on “Avian-Inspired Multifunctional Morphing Vehicles” (Follow-up of 2016 Kickoff at Univ. Michigan; 2017 Review at the Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; 2018 Review at Stanford Univ.; 2019 Review at AFOSR BRICC) (PI: Prof. Dan Inman, Univ. Michigan);
(d) The 1st Annual Review for DESI’19 Program on “Super-maneuvarable Autonomous Pursuit” (Follow-up of 2019 Kickoff at AFOSR BRICC) (PI: Prof. David Lentink, Stanford Univ.)
(e) The 1st Annual Review for MURI’19 Program on “Neuromorphic Networks for Multifunctional Intelligent Systems” (Follow-up of 2019 Kickoff held as part of biennial DoD-wide forum of the 5th Multifunctional Materials for Defense Workshop at AFOSR BRICC) (PI: Prof. Yong Chen, UCLA)
The daily meeting sessions are planned to run from 10:30 am to 6 pm in Eastern Daylight Saving Time (= 9:30 am to 5 pm Chicago = 8:30 am to 4 pm Denver = 7:30 am to 3 pm Los Angeles = 3:30 pm to 11 pm London = 4:30 pm to 12 midnight Rome) with at least 3 breaks for meal or refreshments. I will get back to you soon with the registration website information.
Each speaker is expected to submit his/her presentation slide set in both PowerPoint and pdf formats LATEST by 17 noon on 16 September 2020. The 2020 Annual Grantees'/Contractors' Meeting for AFOSR M^4 Program is open to all interested AFRL, DoD, and US Government employees and contractors. All participants are required to register by 12 noon on 14 September 2020 through the AFOSR APAN website (to be arranged) to gain ZoomGov access.
Registration Click here to register on-line.Zoomgov details will be emailed to registered participants only, September 18th.
Agenda Click here to view/download the agenda.
ContactDr. B.-L. ("Les") LeeAir Force Office of Scientific Research875 N. Randolph Street, Suite 325, Room 3112Arlington, VA 22203Phone: 703 696 8483email: