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2021 Interfaces and Effects in Composite Energetic Materials (IECEM 2021) will be virtually, April 12-15, 2021.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together the interfacial research community - to forge connections and relationships to address current and future needs and shortcomings, minimize duplication of effort, share data and experience, and enable this critical capability area. The meeting will be held at a publicly releasable level and include computationalists and experimentalists from across DoD, DOE, Academia, and National Labs from the US and international partners. This conference will build upon the workshop held in September 2020 and begin to address several critical community needs, such as (1) standard characterization of standard materials over a ‘temperature regime of concern’ for publication and sharing; (2) useful material database/repository; (3) experimental data for modeling efforts to simplify scale problem; (4) cut bureaucracy in modifying qualified formulations; and (5) simulant correlation to real energetic particulates.
AgendaClick here to view/download the agenda. All agenda times are EDT. The agenda was updated April 9, 2021.
RegistrationClick here to register online.Zoom for Government details will be emailed to registered participants, April 10, 2021.
Abstract Submission Deadline: Rolling Deadline for Presentation AbstractsIPCEMC is seeking presentations that investigate the role of material interfaces within composite materials and their effects in mechanical, thermal, chemical, and other properties. Areas of interest include but are not limited to " Adhesion, Surface Energy, Aging in Polymer Composites, Interfacial Effects on Mechanical Properties, Interfacial Modeling, Inert/Model Systems, Standards, Analytical Instrumentation, Microstructure, 3D Printing, and/or Modeling of Deformation". While the focus of this conference is for the energetic materials community, we are seeking those that work outside this area to bring interface and composite experience into his regime. All presentations and discussions will be held at a publicly releasable level.
Abstract Submission Click here to upload your abstract.
Conference Contacts: Ms. Katty Maldonado, AFOSR/IOSDr. Alice Savage, US ARMYEmail:
DoD Planning Committee Chairs:AFOSR/IO: Dr. Stacy Manni AFOSR/RT: Dr. Martin SchmidtAir Force: Dr. Claron Ridge and Dr. Jesus MaresArmy: Dr. Alice Savage