The 2022 AFOSR/ONR/HVSI Annual High-Speed Aerodynamics Portfolio Review will be held hybrid at Caltech, Pasadena, CA, July 18-22, 2022.
AgendaClick here to view/download the agenda. All agenda times are Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7:00)
RegistrationClick here to register on line. Please complete registration by June 24th especially if you plan to participate in-person. Only virtual registrations will be allowed until July 22, 2022. Zoom details will be emailed to all registrants, July 15, 2022. “PLEASE READ CAREFULLY"
LogisticsThe Navy POC for logistics (compilation of PI slides, etc.) is Gregory Pickett,; Phone: 703-696-2496.
Presentation TemplatePIs click here to download the template for your presentation.
Brief UploadMaximum file size is 100MB.Click here to upload your briefing.Contact Gregory Pickett (contact information above) to obtain DODSafe request for larger files.
ContactDr. Sarah PopkinAir Force Office of Scientific Research/RTAPhone: 703-696-8478 Email:
Dr. Eric MarineauOffice of Naval ResearchPhone: 703-696-4771Email:
Dr. Russ CummingsDoD HPCMP Phone: 719-333-9223Email: