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Easier / Faster / Limited Time Offer!
We're in the midst of a transition to a new robust solution (RAMP) for Deliverable submission which will manage, notify and ingest AFOSR grant deliverables seamlessly into our internal enterprise data management software (PEGA). In the meantime, we're running an experiment on revising the much reviled Qualtrics submission process to streamline the generation and delivery of RPPRs by reverting back to a "flat" RPPR format (compatible with both MS Word and LaTeX). We hope to improve your UX by reducing the need to perform tedious curated data entry and formulating a small set of questions permitting narrative responses. So, please familiarize yourselves with the different RPPR formats - Interim RPPR for Annual Performance Progress Reports and Final RPPR for all other Deliverables. Then click on the box below to enter some routing information and submit your report.
These new streamlined procedures will not be accessible after RAMP becomes active in Fall 2025, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to clear late reports with minimum effort and avoid the potential for future funding repercussions for failure to meet legal grant reporting requirements.