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Program Description
This program seeks to develop innovative mathematical methods and fast, reliable and scalable algorithms aimed at making radical advances in computational science and large-scale engineering and design. Research in computational mathematics underpins the fundamental understanding of complex physical phenomena and leads to predictive simulation capabilities that are crucial to the design and control of future U.S. Air Force systems, and their lifetime expectancy. Proposals to this program should focus on fundamental scientific and mathematical innovations, and should have the potential to address some of the most important computational challenges in science and engineering. Additionally, it is desirable to frame the basic research ideas in the context of applications relevant to the U.S. Air Force, which can serve simultaneously to focus the research and to provide avenues for transition of basic research outcomes into practice. Applications of current Air Force interest include, but are not limited to, quantum physics and quantum information systems, plasma dynamics, turbulence (e.g., in fluids, combustion, plasma), lasers and directed energy, aero-thermo-dynamics, information science, data analysis (including machine learning), biophysics, and material and structural sciences.
Collaboration ToolsFollowing are different ways you can share information with Dr. Cambier and your colleagues.
Program Reviews & Meetings
Program OverviewVideo not available.
Contact InformationDr. Fariba Fahroo AFOSR/RTA2 Email: