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The goal of this program is to provide the science foundation to enable development of advanced cyber security methods, models, and algorithms to support future Air Force systems. Research is sought to meet the Information Operations challenges of Computer Network Defense (CND), Computer Network Attack (CNA) and the management of the cyber security enterprise.
Solicitation: BAA-AFOSR-2013-0001, Page 28
Program Reviews & Meetings
File Share for Information Operations & Security Program ReviewWhen uploading files use the file name convention of "Name-University-Topic." You will need to have an APAN account in order to upload documents.
Collaboration Tools:Following are different ways you can share information with Dr. Herklotz and your colleagues.
Video HighlightsAFOSR Spring Review 2013 Presentation by Dr. Robert Herklotz.For those on an AF or DoD network, you may have difficulty viewing this video. A version compatible with the AF network will be added shortly.62181611
Contact Information:Dr. Robert L. HerklotzAFOSR/RTCTele: (703) 696-6565DSN: 426-6565FAX: (703) 696-7360Email: