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Description The U.S. Air Force collects vast amounts of data through various modes at various times in order to extract and derive needed "information" from these large and heterogeneous (mixed types) data sets. Some data, such as those collected from magnetometers, register limited information content which is more identifiable at the sensor level but beyond human's sensory reception. Other types of data, such as video cameras or text reports, possess more semantic information that is closer to human's cognition and understanding. Nevertheless, these are instances of disparate data which encapsulate different types of "information" pertained to, perhaps, the same event(s) captured by different modalities through sensing and collection.
In order to understand and interpret information contained in various data sources, it is necessary to extract relevant pieces of information from these datasets and to make inferences based on prior knowledge. The discovery of relevant pieces of information is primarily a data-driven process that is correlational in nature and, hence, offers point solutions. This bottom-up processing direction needs conceptually-driven reasoning to integrate or fuse the previously extracted snippets of information by leveraging domain knowledge. Furthermore, the top-down process can offer causal explanation or causal inference, generate new hypotheses, verify or test hypotheses in light of observed datasets. Between the data-driven and conceptually-driven ends, there may reside different levels of abstraction in which information is partially extracted and aggregated based on the nature of applications.
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Contact Information Dr. Doug Riecken AFOSR/RTA2 (703) 696-9736 DSN 426-9736 FAX (703) 696-7360E-mail: