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ObjectiveThis program seeks innovative and high risk proposals that advance the field of high temperature materials research through the discovery and characterization of new materials that exhibit superior structural, functional and/or multifunctional performance at temperatures above 1000 ºC.
File Share for Aerospace Materials for Extreme Enviroments Program ReviewWhen uploading files use the file name convention of "Name-University-Topic." You will need to have an APAN account in order to upload documents.
Collaboration ToolsFollowing are different ways you can share information with Dr. Sayir and your colleagues.
Program Reviews & Meetings
Program Overview AFOSR Spring Review 2014 Presentation by Dr. Ali Sayir Will be uploaded soon.
Contact InformationDr. Ali SayirAFOSR/RTDTele: (703) 696-7236DSN: 426-7236FAX: (703) 696-7320Email: