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Program Objective The goal of this research area is to achieve unusual properties and behaviors from polymeric and organic materials and their inorganic hybrids through a better understanding of their chemistry, physics and processing conditions. This understanding will lead to development of advanced organic and polymeric materials for future U.S. Air Force applications. This program’s approach is to study the chemistry and physics of these materials through synthesis, processing control, characterization and establishment of the structure properties relationship of these materials. There are no restrictions on the types of properties to be investigated but heavy emphases will be placed on unusual, unconventional and novel properties. Research concepts that are novel, high risk with potential high payoff are encouraged. Both functional properties and properties pertinent to structural applications will be considered. Materials with these properties will provide capabilities for future Air Force systems to achieving global awareness, global mobility, and space operations.
Collaboration ToolsFollowing are different ways you can share information with Dr. Ken Caster and your colleagues.
Program Reviews & Meetings
Program Overview AFOSR Spring Review 2014 Presentation by former Program Officer, Dr. Charles Lee
Contact InformationDr. Kenneth C. Caster AFOSR/RTB-2 Tele: TBDDSN: 426-TBDFAX: (703) (temporarily unavailable)Email: Please send inquiries to