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Program Objective
The goal of this research area is to achieve novel and useful properties and behaviors from polymeric and organic materials, and their organicinorganic hybrids based on deep understanding of their chemistry, physics, and processing conditions. This understanding will lead to development of advanced organic, hybrid, and polymeric materials for future U.S. Air Force (USAF) and U.S. Space Force (USSF) applications. This program’s approach is to study the chemistry and physics of these materials through synthesis and characterization, processing control, validated theoretical approaches, and establishment of structure-property relationships. Research ideas involving fundamental inorganic chemistry may be considered. While there are no restrictions on the types of properties to be investigated, there are priority areas that change. Heavy emphasis is on unconventional and novel functional properties. This program seeks innovative, high risk, high impact fundamental materials chemistry basic research ideas that push scientific frontiers and not follow-up or extensional projects, or incremental advancements in an already on-going area. The research should be relevant in the broadest sense to the AFOSR mission to foster scientific discoveries that will ensure technological innovations and provide novel capabilities for future USAF and USSF systems to achieve global awareness, global mobility, and space operations.
You are highly encouraged to contact the Program Officer prior to developing a full proposal to understand any specific submission target dates and to submit one or more idea paragraphs (3-5 sentences plus a title and descriptive figure) that describe the essence of the idea and the fundamental science to be investigated. Alternatively, one two-page (maximum) white paper pre-proposal can be submitted that includes the objective and approach of the proposed effort, research aims with the current state-of-the-art, a brief rationale why the approach can achieve the goals, the anticipated outcomes if the research is successful; a third page can contain two or three key references and a one sentence budget detailing the approximate yearly cost for a three (3) to five (5) year effort.
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Program Reviews & Meetings
Contact InformationDr. Kenneth C. Caster AFOSR/