Aloha APAN Users,

Effective Tuesday 20 February 2024, APAN's Account Disable Policy will change from 60 days to 35 days.  This means users must log into APAN at least once every 35 days to keep their accounts active. At day 36, accounts will be considered inactive and these accounts will then be disabled.

To reactivate a disabled account, users have two options:

  • Self-service: Answer a few questions on the login screen and enter the code that will be sent to your email address. Make sure your email address is up to date in the system.
  • HelpdeskSubmit a ticket and select the “Fix Something” option. This will take longer than self-service, but the helpdesk is available to assist from Monday to Friday, 0800-2000 US Eastern Time.

We appreciate your understanding as the APAN team continues to work on improvements to keep your data safe and remain in compliance with our authority to operate. 

~ The APAN Customer Engagements Team

  • Former Member
    Former Member

    I have been locked out of my account Erick.Roberts associated with Navy Gold Star West previous email was and various other groups that I require. I have entered a service ticket but I was given another profile name of Erick1.Roberts with no information associated to it. Please help.

  • Former Member
    Former Member

    I have been locked out of my account Erick.Roberts associated with Navy Gold Star West previous email was and various other groups that I require. I have entered a service ticket but I was given another profile name of Erick1.Roberts with no information associated to it. Please help.

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