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2017 MACCCR (Multi-Agency Combustion Research Coordinate Committee) Fuel and Combustion Research Review will be held October 30- November 3, 2017 at the Basic Research Innovation and Collaboration Center (BRICC). The BRICC is located 4075 Wilson Blvd., Suite 350, Arlington, VA 22203.
Agenda Summary: MACCCR Fuel and Combustion Research Review is a national, annual government review meeting covering a wide range of efforts in fuel and combustion research, supported by federal agencies that have significant combustion and fuel research programs. The reviewed efforts were selected jointly by MACCCR members to highlight achievements in the fuel and combustion research. In this year, in additional to a broad range of efforts from multiple agencies, the meeting has the following focal areas (1) Turbulent combustion – recent development and future research direction; (2) Microgravity combustion; (3) Super-critical fluid and combustion – evolving perspectives; and (4) Combustion Diagnostics – state of art and community needs.
Contact: Dr. Chiping LiAFOSR/RTE875 N Randolph St., Ste. 325Arlington, VA 22203Phone: 703-696-8574E-mail: