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You are cordially invited to attend the fourth annual Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) meeting scheduled from 14-17 November, 2017 in Arlington, VA. This meeting provides an opportunity for past, present, and future YIP recipients to present technical research, form alliances and collaborations with not only AFOSR Program Officers but other YIP recipients. Attendance is strictly voluntary and does not absolve YIP recipients from fulfilling reporting requirements through submitted reports and annual research area portfolio reviews.
This platform was created for the YIP recipient community to build self‐sustaining interactive relationship to advance science, navigate through AFOSR’s Science and Technology mission requirements, and extend this experience to other funding agencies. All past and present YIP recipients are welcome to attend, participate, and encouraged to present current work in the meeting. However, AFOSR Principle Investigators fulfill their reporting requirements through submitted reports and during annual portfolio reviews for their respective research areas; therefore, they should not feel obligated to attend or present. Additional invitees would include key representatives from U.S. universities with an interest in the YIP and an administrative support role of sponsored programs at their institution.
The draft agenda includes technical presentations by 2nd/3rd year YIPs, poster sessions by 1st year YIPs, plenary talks by Department of Defense Leadership and AFOSR leadership, presentation on AFOSR and basic researchers relationships, Science and Engineering Division overview and research mission, AFOSR funding opportunity panel discussion, and the federal government planning and budgeting cycle. The final agenda will be posted once we know the official number of technical and poster presentations by current YIP recipients. There will be an opportunity for potential YIPs to engage with program officers and current AFOSR YIP recipients on proposed research and to foster collaborations in technical areas.
This serves as a conventional review of work in the various AFOSR funded research areas and that will allow all of us, to discuss and assess the impact of the YIP on early career scientists and engineers from the diverse standpoints of the YIP recipients themselves, the university representatives, and the sponsoring AFOSR Program Officers who often fund these researchers well beyond their time as a YIP as they compete successfully for grants under AFOSR’s general BAA. In addition, this meeting will provide an opportunity to engage past recipients, understand what their post‐YIP career trajectory reveals and talk to current YIPs about their future plans.
Please send your comments and inquiries to, YIP Program Coordinator, Mrs. Ellen Robinson. If you would like to participate in the poster session or provide technical presentation, please provide a title and a brief abstract to Ms. Alea Stewart, no later than Friday, October 20, 2017.
InvitationClick here to view/print the current agenda.
AgendaClick here to view/print the current agenda.
RegistrationClick here to register online.
LodgingAttendees are responsible for their own lodging. Local hotels in order of their proximity to the BRICC are
Residence Inn Arlington Ballston (click here to obtain the special AFOSR rate)Hilton Arlington Westin Arlington Gateway Holiday Inn Arlington Comfort Inn Ballston/Arlington
Parking * Limited parking is available in the building for $15.00 per day (Cash, Discover, Master Card and Visa) * Additional parking is available at the Ballston Common Mall
DirectionsClick here to view driving directions.
Local Area DiningClick here for information and map.
ContactMrs. Ellen RobinsonAir Force Office of Scientific Research/RTBEmail: