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The 13th US-Italy Joint Commission Meeting on Space and Technology will be held December 3, 2018 at the Embassy of Italy. The Embassy is located at 3000 Whitehaven St. NW, Washington, DC 20008.
The Importance of Basic Science in Science Diplomacy
Risk and reward: How the Air Force Office of Scientific Research supported a young scientist at the University of Naples and impacted years of science, technology and diplomacy
International engagement is a strategic must for the United States to hold its place as the world leader in technological advances and cutting-edge science. Combining diplomatic efforts with U.S science and technology goals can be a wise approach to achieve that objective. One approach is to strategically invest in diverse areas of fundamental research that can lead to new spheres of science. Equally important to supporting advances in basic science, but often underappreciated, is the chrysalis of the strong relationships forged over decades of cooperation in pursuit of discovery. One such relationship began with an investment in 1977 by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) in a young Italian materials scientist, Prof. Luigi Nicolais, at the University of Naples. AFOSR’s early support was significant to Prof. Nicolais’ research and led to extensive collaboration between the University of Naples and the U.S. Air Force (USAF) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Over the years Prof. Nicolais became one of the leading world-renowned experts in materials science and was also recognized with the Award of Order of Merit by the President of the Republic of Italy. Later, Prof. Nicolais was appointed as the Minister of Public Innovation and eventually selected to serve as the President of the National Research Council of Italy, the nation’s largest public research organization, from 2012 to 2016. Prof. Nicolais recently served as the Chief Scientific Advisor of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
In partnership with the Embassy of Italy in Washington, DC and under the backdrop of the renewal of the U.S. - Italy bilateral agreement on S&T, the discussion highlights Prof. Nicolais’ impact on the S&T relationship between the two nations. Through the mutual trust built over years of relationship building, AFOSR and its interagency partners effectively leverage Italy’s world-class researchers, the scientific investments of CNR’s €1 billion enterprise, and the €80 billion European Commission Horizon 2020 Program.
Prof. Luigi Nicolais Click here to view Prof. Luigi Nicolais
AgendaClick here to view/download the agenda.
RegistrationClick here to register on line
ContactDr. Sofi Bin SalamonAir Force Office of Scientific Research/IONPhone: 703-696-8411Email: