2023 Space Science Portfolio Review will be held January 24-26, 2023 at the AFRL Innovation Lab at the UNM Science & Tech Park. The location is building 800 Bradbury Drive SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. The review will take place in the Auditorium. COVID-10 Safety Protocols
AgendaClick here to view/download the agenda.
RegistrationClick here to register online.
Presentation UploadClick here to upload your presentation.
LodgingRecommend following this link and selecting airport: https://www.visitalbuquerque.org/places-to-stay/hotels/
ParkingFree parking is available to all meeting attendees in the parking structure located at 801 Bradbury Dr. SE. 801 Parking Map and Code (Emailed to registered guest)
DirectionsBuilding 800- Auditorium map.
Nearby Places to Eat
ContactDr. Julie MosesAir Force Office of Scientific Research/RTBPhone: 703-696-9586Email: Space@us.af.mil