As a member of the COI group team, members will participate based on your diligent management and managers will facilitate the connection of AU subject-matter experts with others on topics of interest to the community. We all have full-time responsibilities, but in only a few hours a week you and your fellow COI group managers can help the AU network address issues, critique approaches and improve the intellectual foundation of proposed solutions. By spending a few minutes each day fostering and facilitating communications, group managers harness the COI’s collective wisdom and help AU discover whether COIs can spark the organizational agility called for in the AF Strategy and Future Operating Concept. We hope to maintain between two and five managers on each group’s team.
Why you would you want to be an AU COI group manager? You will:
Build, support and lead a virtual team that focuses on challenging issues
Facilitate your team’s exchange of ideas and collaborate on solutions with other experts
Develop connections that help you and others establish networks of thinkers and operators
Play a critical role in AU’s proof-of-concept experiment to create an agile organization
Responsibilities of the group management team include:
Inviting, adding, and deleting members of the group
Fostering collaboration through the use of online tools (likes, comments and ratings)
Monitoring action to guide the COI through minefields that threaten the group’s momentum
Maintaining the COI’s energy by encouraging posts and adding content to spark discussion
Working with other COI teams and the AU integration cell to establish ROE and adjust fire
Rules of Engagement (ROE) for Everyone
Be nice.
When commenting on someone’s Ideas, be nice.
When someone is chewing you up in the comments, be nice.
If they become personal, warn them, be nice, and then pull the abuse trigger.
Please like, comment on and rate (Stars) on comments, posts, etc., as much as possible.
When posting a discussion be prepared to be responsive, after all you started the discussion.
It’s always a good thing to welcome new members of the group and see if they need help.
Check out the support forums and How To links.
Use tags – tags categorize content for searching and ranking importance along with likes, etc.
If you develop a wiki, please be responsive to its content, and review periodically.
Check back to this document often as we will update it as we move along.
Its always a great idea to fully complete your profile. This adds to your credibility, especially with people you don’t know. You should always insert a professional profile picture, it’s one of the best ways to add to your persona as an expert. You can open the APAN
As always, if you have suggestions please let us know in the comments or contact us via the contact form.
Really a bunch of exciting and innovative stuff going on here. Please share with everyone you know.
See link for access to numerous articles, podcasts, and videos on multidomain operations. Over the Horizon is affiliated with the Multidomain Operational Strategist program at Air Command and Staff College.
See the link for a joint article on attempts to converge Army and Air Force perspectives on multi-domain operations in Joint Force Quarterly. General David G. Perkins is the Commanding General of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. General James M. Holmes is Commanding General of Air Combat Command.…
Global Command and Control: Challenges and Opportunities
(Condensed from various C2 subject matter expert inputs by the LeMay Center Strategy & Concepts team)
The Air Force reexamination of global command and control comes at the perfect time, as the Joint Staff and OSD also realize that our legacy constructs lack the granularity and responsiveness needed to successfully succeed in an increasingly connected world.…
Fundamental C2 functions, tensions and tradeoffs – Lt Col Dave “Sugar” Lyle
As it is with any inherently multidisciplinary activity where competing interests and imperatives are in play, the practice of Command and Control is much more about understanding tensions and balancing tradeoffs than it is about finding optimum solutions. Although not exhaustive, these are a few useful ways to think about the…
Written by Maj Ian Slazinik, USAF & Maj Ben Hazen, USAF
This article analyzes the information flow through theater air mobility command and control (C2) organizations in an effort to uncover guidelines to adapt organizational structures and processes to increase the speed and reach of information. These guidelines would aim to improve organizational agility and decision making while adapting to future trends in the…
The video, released by scientists at UW–Madison’s Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), was captured by the GOES-16, one of the world’s most advanced weather satellites.
The satellite photographed the Earth once every five minutes during the eclipse, and the resulting timelapse video shows the shadow of the moon crossing the United States from west to east.
What is Secretary of Defense James Mattis' current position on effects and effects based approaches to operations?
Effects Based Operations was a methodology for planning military operations that had flowed out of a number of previous methodologies, including the concepts of John Warden implemented by the US led coalition in Operation Desert Storm, System of Systems Analysis (SOSA), and Israeli Systemic Operational…
Some Fundamental Concepts of C2 in Contested Environments
Lt Col Dave Lyle, LeMay Center Strategy & Concepts
The challenges of command and control in contested environments are not new, nor should they surprise us. General Helmuth Von Moltke the Younger became intimately familiar with these challenges in 1914 while losing the First Battle of the Marne in World War I, when a powerful radio transmitter on the top of…
This is a thought piece produced by collaboration amongst Air University C2 subject matter experts, led and edited by LeMay Center Strategy & Concepts, to address a question from an Air Force senior leader, asking if the Air Tasking Order had become a sacred cow. Q: "I think a robust investigation into its utility through the years, how it was developed and evolved, and what purpose(s) it ultimately serves would really…
C2 and Operational Art Literature Review – September 2017
(Arranged in chronological order - please send any additional nominations for the next update to
The Evolution of Operational Art, Brigade Commander Georgii Samoilovich Isserson, 1936
Implications of centralized control and decentralized execution. John G. Cronican, Jr., Lt. Col., USAF. AU Airpower Symposium Conference draft, Dec 1979…
Sharing content is probably one of the most important things APAN offers. I've recently found out that you can't just go around randomly sharing content with everyone. APAN settings, by default, sets a users profile for private messages to none. If you want to share content the users you are attempting to share with must opt in to sharing (sending a private message) and they must activate it in their profile settings…
A great read from the Director of the French Institut de recherche strategique de l’Ecole militaire (IRSEM), which is part of the French Defence Ministry. They took to a subject little researched: how to combat pro-Kremlin propaganda without falling into the trap of doing counter-propaganda?
Covering areas like disinformation, strengthening research, highly promote ethics, tracking and respect. Read More Thanks…
Now, transparency is coming to the federal launch market, allowing lawmakers to more directly compare the costs of ULA's launch vehicles against those of new space competitors, such as SpaceX.
Because of the fiscal year 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, the Air Force budget request must consolidate rocket launch costs into a single budget line beginning in fiscal year 2020. Read more.
See Files/Documents for the 2014 ASPJ C2 special edition, Col (R) Dale "Spike" Shoupe's joint air and space planning primer, and a LeMay Center thought piece on the development and purpose of the air tasking order. - DJL
TRADOC recently established a Multi-Domain Battle webpage. The URL is below for those interested.
All - Here's CSAF's email on his new paper on multi-domain C2, which I'll post to the files section. - DJL
Fellow Airmen,
Attached you will find the final paper in my CSAF series. As with the first paper (Revitalizing Squadrons) and the second paper (Strengthening Joint Leaders and Teams), the third paper directly aligns with our strategic…
This study, conducted by a team of leaders in industry, research and development, finance, policy and strategy, explores whether and how the USAF can form private sector partnerships to create a virtuous cycle of launch cost reductions of between 3 and 10 times lower than today’s costs. Doing so could enable completely new approaches for the Air Force to defend American values, protect American interests, and enhance…
All - this is the paper written by Blue Horizons and their network that is driving senior leader discussion at HAF - DJL
Developing Strategic Advantage through C2 of the Global Sensor to Effects Grid
Blue Horizons Program at Air University
1 Sept 2016
This concept paper explores how the USAF can develop strategic advantage through mastery of command, control, and exploitation of the global sensor and joint effects…
This is the paper I wrote for the OSD Operational Challenges call for papers, also composed to support the C2 ECCT problem framing - DJL
Avoiding a Classic Strategy Blunder in the Third Offset – the Two Types of C2 Challenges
Lt Col Dave “Sugar” Lyle, USAF
LeMay Center, Air University
DSN 493-3789
Cell 913 306-4712
War has always been about both science and…
Please let one of the managers know if you would like to post in the blog. You will be repsonsible for moderation and management.